Monday, September 22, 2008

My favorite time of year...

I think fall is one of my favorite times of year. The weather starts to be cooler, the leaves turn pretty colors, and for the most part, we get more cloudy blue skies than gray and rainy ones. Thankfully, this past summer wasn't very hot this year. Unfortunately, along with the change in weather started new allergies -- woohoo!

Along with the weather changing, my favorite part of the fall is the fact that many of my favorite television shows are returning with new episodes. Heroes, Ugly Betty, and Gossip Girl are my personal favorites. It's almost like running into a friend and catching up. And it's nice having TiVO be put to good use again. Unfortunately for me, however, my schoolwork and real work seems to be putting a dent into that social calendar, intruding into the small amount of TV time I already have...

At the risk of sounding like a huge nerd, I'm signing this off now. (though it may already be too late).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yay for fall! crunchy leaves,good riding weather, and soon SNOW!!!!!