Tuesday, December 30, 2008

I do stupid things sometimes....

I guess if I were in a movie right now, it'd probably be the Yes Man one. Or, in my case, the Yes Woman.

I think I say yes to things way too much. Instead of enjoying my holiday break like I should, I've made almost every morning this week insanely busy. Today I worked a total of 11 hours, with an hour in there somewhere to drive from point A to point B to point C. (A being job #1, B being home, C being job #2). And I get to look forward to doing it again tomorrow!

Had I not said yes, I would have gotten my normal three days of getting to sleep in as late as i want since I don't usually have to be at work til 4. I could have been selfish with my time (though I'll get paid for working the three mornings that I am working). So I'm sure I could have gotten out of this somehow...

Oh, right - it's that funny little word called NO!

That being said, there may be a short hiatus while I'm busy working my super long days. Only thing I get to look forward to is Wednesday, when... I can be a drunky and have fun with my friends. And, I'll actually get some SLEEP because I fully intend on taking a nap after work....

1 comment:

Andy - Instafather said...

So when are you going to start saying no, then? Now?