Friday, January 2, 2009

To blog, or not to blog...

I can't believe it's 2009 already. Seriously? Where does the time go?

It's hard writing a blog when all you really do is work and work and work. One of the downfalls to working two jobs, plus that whole I can't say no thing. New Year's Resolution? I think yes! Er.. Anyway, I think I concentrate on what other people think of me to where I forget to take time for myself.

But with the working, I don't come up with much as far as anything to say.

The only other thing I've done lately is play a ton of Rock Band 2. So, not much there either.

New Year's resolution #2? Finding more things to blog about. I'd like to have something people want to read, instead of me complaining and being nostalgic all the time. I could talk about my new-found Twilight obsession, but that too would get boring. I need something exciting to happen.

Finally, the third New Year's resolution I intend on sticking with is being more outgoing. I know from what people DO tell me they see they like. I need to reword that. I mean, once I open up, people like what they see. The difference is showing people that fun side of me first. I am shy by nature, so being open and being honest about certain things scare me.

Oh there is one more. I need to stop worrying about what people think of me. This ties into #3 the more I think about it but I like to worry and fret about whether or not people like me, but it shouldn't matter. What matters is if I'm happy, and if I like what I'm doing. The only people who should matter are my friends, and they shouldn't mind what I do so long as it's not harmful to them or myself.

So there you have it. My New Years stuff in a nutshell. Happy New Year!

1 comment:

Andy - Instafather said...

I'm jealous you have Rock Band 2...

Finding blog topics is always difficult, although I've had success writing about anything related to The Hills or Saved by the Bell- it's all gold.