Friday, May 15, 2009

* Insert Squeals Here*

Just a quick post before I finish making myself all cute for tonight (not like I need to do all that much*, but you know).


Whoops, sorry for yelling, but I wasn't totally sure if I could go and now I am. And if you all thought I enjoyed Zachary Quinto as much as I do, my celeb crush on Keith is so much better (or worse, if you will). Actually, now that I typed that, I'm realizing Keith is now number two. Sorry, dude!

But still, Keith is one of the most amazing country performers on this planet so I'm super excited to go see him..

Of course, it means instead of my nice little 4-hour shift I had tonight is now being replaced by an 8-hour shift tomorrow, but you know what... Not sure if you know this, but more hours = more moneyz so it's a welcome trade off.

9 in the morning, however, is probably going to come far too early.

So Happy Friday everyone! Hopefully I'll remember my camera and get some bangin'** Keith Urban pictures.

* By this, I'm totally joking, I totally need to do more. Currently only my hair is done and my jeans are on. I'm so lazy.. and excited.
** I'm really not sure why I felt the need to type "bangin'" in my post. I don't use that word often. Actually, I take that back. It's kind of fun.

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